
György Baráthy


György is a Hun­gari­an writer and story edit­or based in Ber­lin. He was a story addict from an early age, so he luck­ily ended up at the Uni­ver­sity of Theat­er and Film Arts of Bud­apest. Since 2011 he worked for HBO Europe and has writ­ten 32 ori­gin­al epis­odes (In Treat­ment, When Shall We Kiss, Ven­eer). His short film Youni­verse premiered on HBOmax 2020.  Bey­ond his work in tele­vi­sion, György has been a dram­at­urg, play­wright, and trans­lat­or in over 80 theatre pro­duc­tions. Cur­rently, he’s par­ti­cip­at­ing in the Torino Series Lab as a story editor.

Recent Credits:

  • Salvation (Proton Cinema)
  • Over the Rainbow (Odeon Films)
  • Hotel Love (Midpoint Series Launch 2024)
  • Home (Cologne Seriencamp 2023 / Sundance Virtual Episodic Lab 2024)