Isaure Pis­ani-Ferry


Isaure is a French writer, based in Ber­lin. She stud­ied Lit­er­at­ure and Social Sci­ences and wrote for Canal+ series (KABOUL KIT­CHEN) before join­ing Seri­al Eyes in 2017–2018. Sub­sequently, she co-cre­ated VAM­PIRES (Net­flix), wrote epis­odes on GANG­LANDS (Net­flix) and is now cre­at­or and head­writer of BECOM­ING KARL LAGER­FELD (Dis­ney+).

Recent Cred­its:

Becom­ing Karl Lager­feld / cre­at­or, head­writer, writer / Disney +

Gang­lands / writer / Netflix

Vam­pires / cre­at­or and writer / Netflix

Lan­guages: French, English

Recent Credits:

Vampires / creator and writer / Netflix


French, English