Kriti Kapoor


Kriti is a cre­at­or and head writer, cur­rently devel­op­ing a web series (drama) being inter­na­tion­ally co-pro­duced by Jaya Ent (CA, USA) and Bandra West Pic­tures (Mum­bai, India). She has two com­edy fea­ture films in devel­op­ment, includ­ing one as director.

An aca­dem­ic high-achiev­er with a note­worthy extra-cur­ricular record in theatre & music­als reflect­ing on the human con­di­tion, and a cho­reo­graph­er for stage music­als years before she gradu­ated, Kriti went on to study Film & TV at the Xavier’s Insti­tute of Com­mu­nic­a­tions (XIC) in Mum­bai. She worked as an Assist­ant Dir­ect­or on six fea­ture films, end­ing her stint as Asso­ci­ate Dir­ect­or on the last one (https://​www​.imdb​.com/​n​a​m​e​/​n​m​5​1​75828/). Sim­ul­tan­eously, she built her showreel by dir­ect­ing a non-fic­tion TV show and five branded short films, one of which won the top prize at MOFILM International.

Kriti aspires to tell stor­ies that con­nect widely and res­on­ate deeply, that uplift and enter­tain while ques­tion­ing the status quo, that are dis­tinct in their telling with a strik­ing aesthetic.