Mat­thi­as Börner


Mat­thi­as is a screen­writer and script con­sult­ant based in Pots­dam. Since the TV ver­sion of Steph­en King’s IT trau­mat­ized his 6‑year-old mind, he is fas­cin­ated by all things hor­ror, thrill­er, mys­tery and sus­pense in gen­er­al. He likes to look for deep­er mean­ings in stor­ies con­sidered “genre” and has a pas­sion for stun­ning true events of the past as well as poten­tially dystop­ic pos­sib­il­it­ies of the future. 

While spend­ing some time on the­or­et­ic­al Theatre & Film Stud­ies, writ­ing prose stor­ies and spec-scripts, he worked rather prac­tic­ally as 3rd AD, PA and script super­visor, until join­ing sea­son 1 of Net­flix Germany’s Emmy-win­ning show THE EMPRESS; first as writers’ room assist­ant and then, dur­ing the shoot, as on-set script coordin­at­or. Since then, while devel­op­ing own ideas, he has been work­ing as script & concept con­sult­ant for Som­mer­haus Filmproduk­tion, was pro­moted to staff writer for THE EMPRESS’ second sea­son and is cur­rently com­mis­sioned to write a hor­ror fea­ture for a Ger­man pro­duc­tion company.