Pierre Puget


PIERRE PUGET is a French writer based in Ber­lin. After a first career as a TV dir­ect­or in Brus­sels, Pierre works in Eng­lish or French in devel­op­ment for com­pan­ies across Europe. In 2020, he joined the Net­flix mys­tery series 1899 as the French trans­lat­or and on-set con­sult­ant. He has received the COCO‑I inter­na­tion­al devel­op­ment grant twice from the French CNC. Pierre offers script con­sult­ing and teaches TV series writ­ing at the IFS Cologne, the MET­Film School in Ber­lin and the Parisi­an group Séquences7. He co-hosts the EURO PUD­DING pod­cast about series pro­duc­tion in Europe. Pierre recently co-foun­ded the writer-driv­en pro­duc­tion com­pany BRAINS.


French, English

