
Tuuli Kan­ervankal­lio


Tuuli is a Finnish, Hel­sinki based screen­writer with sev­er­al years of exper­i­ence as a full­time in-house writer at Hel­sinki-filmi. She is exper­i­enced as an epis­ode writer and script con­sult­ant, and she is writ­ing fea­ture films as well as devel­op­ing her own ori­gin­al series con­cepts. She is inter­ested espe­cially in stor­ies about work­ing class char­ac­ters, under­dogs, and dys­func­tion­al fam­il­ies, as well as ques­tion­ing the tra­di­tion­al nar­rat­ives of romantic rela­tion­ships. Anim­al and human rights are import­ant to her as well as envir­on­ment­al issues and she likes to take these into con­sid­er­a­tion in her work. She is fas­cin­ated by magic­al real­ism, dysto­pi­an and fantasy worlds, and she believes non-real­ist­ic storytelling can be a great way to address social issues. Her recent works include screen­play for a children’s fea­ture film ITTY BITTY PRIN­CESS (2024) and writ­ing epis­odes for upcom­ing thrill­er series.