Heath­er Imani

United Kingdom

Heath­er Imani has writ­ten for the BBC chil­dren’s tele­vi­sion series “The Dump­ing Ground”. She was co-writer of the fea­ture film “Milo”, which won awards at Gif­foni Film Fest­iv­al (Italy, 2012), Cinekid (Neth­er­lands, 2012), Olympia Inter­na­tion­al Film Fest­iv­al for Chil­dren and Young People (Greece, 2013), and three awards at the European Youth Film Fest­iv­al (Ant­werp, Bel­gi­um, 2013): the Chil­dren’s Pan­el Best Film, the audi­ence award for best film and the dis­tri­bu­tion prize.

Heath­er passed away in 2015 after a long battle against can­cer. She will be greatly missed and will always be remembered as a tal­en­ted writer and as a beau­ti­ful and gen­er­ous person.