
SE#12 Mile­stone: the Midterm Pitch

The tal­en­ted par­ti­cipants of Seri­al Eyes #12 presen­ted their pro­jects at Midterm Pitch in Ber­lin last week. This mile­stone with­in the Seri­al Eyes pro­gram saw the writers present­ing ori­gin­al pro­jects to an audi­ence of industry experts.

Our par­ti­cipants did an excel­lent job in pitch­ing their diverse ideas and received invalu­able feed­back from Seri­al Eyes’ part­ners, core tutors and friends: Ver­onika Grob from Medi­en­board Ber­lin-Branden­burg, Karsten Rühle from Con­stantin Film, Chris­ti­an Honeck from The Walt Dis­ney Com­pany Ger­many, Klaus Zim­mer­mann & Annika Schmidt from Dynam­ic Tele­vi­sion, Nath­alie Per­us-Zakoi­an from Atlantique Pro­duc­tions, Hen­ning Kamm from Real Film Ber­lin GmbH, Ulrike Lehmann from Aud­ible, Jonas Melch­er from ZDF, Frank Spot­nitz from Big Light Pro­duc­tions, Sarah Lin­ton, Piod­or Gust­afs­son, Cyril Tysz and Jana Burbach.

We’re incred­ibly proud to see how far Seri­al Eyes #12 has come already and can­’t wait to see what innov­at­ive, cre­at­ive pro­jects our writers will con­tin­ue to come up with as the pro­gram takes its course.