Announ­cing the Final Pitch 2020 Livestream

We are happy to announce the con­clu­sion of the 2019–2020 train­ing edi­tion with a livestreamed final pitch. The livestream will take place on June 25, 15:00 – 17:30 CEST and will be hos­ted by Ger­man TV authors and Seri­al Eyes alumni Jana Burbach (Bad Bank, Die Hei­l­and – Wir sind Anwalt) and Alex­an­der Lindh (Ger­man TV Prize Best Drama-nom­in­ated MaPa, DRUCK, CULPA – Niemand ist ohne Schuld).

Due to the corona pan­dem­ic, Seri­al Eyes had to rethink its tra­di­tion­al Final Pitch – a much-anti­cip­ated, annu­al event which intro­duces its twelve gradu­at­ing par­ti­cipants and their ori­gin­al series con­cepts to the European TV industry. This year the par­ti­cipants will deliv­er their short pitches online, fol­lowed by a Q&A ses­sion. The par­ti­cipants are: Nir Ber­ger (Israel), Geor­gia Fotou (Greece), Stephan Greit­e­mei­er (Ger­many), Léa Lespagn­ol (France), Giord­ana Mari (Italy), Mar­lene Mel­chi­or (UK, Ger­many), Lukáš Sig­mund (Slov­akia), Ser­ena Tateo (Italy), Barry Thom­son (UK, Ger­many), Nadya Todorova (Bul­garia), Fabi­an Wal­len­fels (Ger­many) and Milica Živan­ović (Ser­bia).

The Seri­al Eyes Final Pitch 2020 event will be streamed via a private video link. Inter­ested TV-pro­fes­sion­als can request accred­it­a­tion by send­ing an e‑mail to info@​serial-​eyes.​de