
SE#11 Alumna Drishya Gau­tham receives Big Light Pro­duc­tions Apprenticeship

We are thrilled to announce that Drishya Gau­tham, a gradu­ate of Seri­al Eyes’ 11th edi­tion, has been selec­ted for the Big Light Pro­duc­tions Writers’ Appren­tice­ship Pro­gram. This pres­ti­gi­ous oppor­tun­ity is just one of many exclus­ive path­ways open to Seri­al Eyes alumni after com­plet­ing our program.

Big Light Pro­duc­tions, based in Lon­don, is renowned for pro­du­cing influ­en­tial series such as MEDICI. Frank Spot­nitz, a co-cre­at­or of MEDICI, also serves as a core tutor in the Seri­al Eyes pro­gram, bring­ing unpar­alleled industry expert­ise to our students.

Drishya’s selec­tion high­lights the excep­tion­al oppor­tun­it­ies our gradu­ates gain from their hands-on exper­i­ences in writers’ rooms, script devel­op­ment work­shops, and net­work­ing with­in the Seri­al Eyes framework.

Applic­a­tions for Seri­al Eyes #13 are now open. Aspir­ing writers inter­ested in Europe’s premi­er TV drama writ­ing pro­gram can learn more and apply through our website.

We couldn’t be prouder of Drishya and can’t wait to see her con­trib­ute to Big Light Pro­duc­tions’ leg­acy of storytelling excel­lence. Con­grat­u­la­tions, Drishya!

For more inform­a­tion about Big Light Pro­duc­tions and their appren­tice­ship pro­gram, check out the press cov­er­age below: