Char­lene Putney

Writer, expert

Char­lene Put­ney (@alphachar) is an award-win­ning writer and teach­er from Ire­land. After work­ing at Google and Face­book in man­age­ment pos­i­tions, she’s been writ­ing for video games since 2013, includ­ing writ­ing for Divin­ity: Ori­gin­al Sin 2, Bal­dur’s Gate 3, and Salt­sea Chron­icles. Togeth­er with Mar­tin Pilch­mair, they make cre­ativ­ity tools for writers, includ­ing LAIKA (www​.write​with​laika​.com), which they star­ted mak­ing while sit­ting togeth­er at their kit­chen table dur­ing the pandemic.