
Lisa-Mar­ie Lutz

Team Assistant

Lisa-Mar­ie Lutz was born in 1998 in Pforzheim, Baden-Württem­berg, and now calls Ber­lin her home. She embarked on her jour­ney in the film industry as a writer in the Young Writer’s Room at the Ger­man-Amer­ic­an Insti­tute (DAI) in Heidelberg.

In 2017, Lisa-Mar­ie worked as an assist­ant set dec­or­at­or for “Tatort Saar­brück­en.” Her exper­i­ences in vari­ous roles, includ­ing run­ner and pro­duc­tion assist­ant, sparked her interest in film production.

In 2018, she joined maz&movie GmbH Ber­lin as a team and pro­duc­tion assist­ant, gain­ing valu­able insights and experience.

Since 2021, Lisa-Mar­ie has been study­ing pro­duc­tion at the Ger­man Film and Tele­vi­sion Academy Ber­lin (DFFB) and is work­ing as an AD and Producer.

She is inter­ested in genre films and series that make a dif­fer­ence and stand out from the crowd. Her focus is on diverse and flinta dom­in­ated film­mak­ing with hon­est and emo­tion­al stories. 

She has been sup­port­ing Seri­al Eyes as a stu­dent team assist­ant since 2023.