SE Alum­nus Samuel Jef­fer­son brings pre­vi­ous work exper­i­ence to life in new series KRANK

We are happy to share the excit­ing news that Samuel Jef­fer­son, a Seri­al Eyes Alum­nus (DFFB), has suc­cess­fully wrapped up the 75-day film­ing of his latest series pro­ject, KRANK. This ambi­tious ven­ture explores the mul­ti­fa­ceted world of a fic­tion­al hos­pit­al nestled in the vibrant dis­trict of Neuk­ölln, using the Ger­man term “Krank,” mean­ing sick, weird, or freaky, as its title and inspiration. 

Samuel Jef­fer­son is a a Lon­don Film School screen­writ­ing gradu­ate and Baf­ta Rocliffe New Writ­ing Ini­ti­at­ive win­ner for an A&E sit­com. He brings a unique blend of real-life anec­dotes from his med­ic­al exper­i­ences and stor­ies shared by Ger­man doc­tors. The res­ult is a genre-defy­ing nar­rat­ive that trans­itions between drama, com­edy, and action. 

Jef­fer­son’s jour­ney com­bines his med­ic­al back­ground with his pas­sion for storytelling. All began in 2018 when he joined the Seri­al Eyes course for European TV writers at the Ger­man Film and Tele­vi­sion Academy in Ber­lin. While there, he got to meet pro­du­cers Alex­is von Wit­tgen­stein and Gilda Weller of Viol­et Pic­tures, who recog­nized his poten­tial to cre­ate an authen­t­ic hos­pit­al drama: 

“Samuel was the per­fect fit for us, von Wit­tgen­stein says. “He was tal­en­ted, had exper­i­ence as a doc­tor as well as the TV train­ing, so we said let’s dare to do it. 

Nav­ig­at­ing the chal­lenges of cul­tur­al dif­fer­ences, Jef­fer­son ques­tioned wheth­er his exper­i­ences in the UK could trans­late effect­ively into the Ger­man mar­ket. How­ever, as he dived into the Ger­man health­care sys­tem, he dis­covered par­al­lels with the UK’s NHS, such as the uni­ver­sal stress faced by med­ic­al professionals. 

Des­pite ini­tial con­cerns, Jef­fer­son found that the uni­ver­sal humor in his stor­ies tran­scen­ded lan­guage bar­ri­ers. Bey­ond the enter­tain­ment aspect, KRANK deals with the crit­ic­al issue of fin­an­cial incent­ives in the health­care sys­tem. Jef­fer­son brings light on this phe­nomen­on in Ger­many, where doc­tors receive fin­an­cial incent­ives for unne­ces­sary treat­ments, par­al­lel­ing the chal­lenges faced by the NHS. 

The set of KRANK, situ­ated in the aban­doned SEZ, adds an extra lay­er of char­ac­ter to the drama. Jef­fer­son reflects on the ambi­ance of the once-pop­u­lar East Ger­man leis­ure cen­ter, now over­taken by rac­coons and foxes, provid­ing a back­drop to the unfold­ing narrative. 

As KRANK nears com­ple­tion, Samuel Jef­fer­son’s innov­at­ive approach to storytelling prom­ises to offer audi­ences a fresh per­spect­ive on the com­plex­it­ies of health­care, blend­ing humor, drama, and action in a com­pel­ling explor­a­tion of the human exper­i­ence with­in the med­ic­al world.

UK doc­tor brings exper­i­ence to life in his Ger­man hos­pit­al drama Krank | Ger­many | The Guardian