
Seri­al Eyes Cel­eb­rates It’s 10th Year With a New Head of Stud­ies and Excit­ing Developments

We’re happy to announce that Seri­al Eyes, the DFFB’s post­gradu­ate train­ing pro­gramme for writers of tele­vi­sion series, is cel­eb­rat­ing its tenth year! With the achieve­ment of this mile­stone, we have taken fur­ther steps to secure the program´s suc­cess­ful future: a freshly appoin­ted new head of stud­ies, a new industry part­ner, a new advis­ory board, and a new set of 12 par­ti­cipants start­ing the next term in September.

More inform­a­tion to these devel­op­ments can be found in the press release here:‑1.pdf