
Wel­come 2025! Seri­al Eyes Embraces Sustainability

As cre­at­ive pro­fes­sion­als, we bear respons­ib­il­ity for our envir­on­ment. Not only in our stor­ies, but also in real­ity. This year, in SE#12, our focus is to think green and take mean­ing­ful steps to reduce our envir­on­ment­al impact. 

In many areas, we have already digit­al­ised ourselves and are work­ing without unne­ces­sary paper and print­ing. Last year we decided not to print our annu­al Final Pitch bro­chure and cre­ated a digit­al ver­sion instead. When offer­ing Seri­al Eyes Merch we have made sure to work with Ber­lin-based and green com­pan­ies. Our new Seri­al Eyes bag, for example, is made from recycled mater­i­al. We also developed a sur­vey tool to track our CO2 foot­print, which we will send to our organ­isers and ven­ues. At the end of the year we will ana­lyse it and see how we can improve further.

Sus­tain­ab­il­ity is not just a trend for us—it’s a com­mit­ment to align our cre­at­ive prac­tices with a great­er respons­ib­il­ity towards the plan­et. We believe that storytelling has the power to inspire change, and that change must start with us. 

We’re excited to work togeth­er with our fel­lows, alumni, part­ners, event ven­ues and organ­izers to do our part in cre­at­ing a green­er, more sus­tain­able future. Stay tuned as we con­tin­ue to learn, grow, and share our progress.