

Ready, set, go! On Septem­ber 2 our new twelve par­ti­cipants arrived at the DFFB for their nine-month train­ing. This year’s class hails from Bul­garia, France, Ger­many, Greece, Israel, Italy, Ser­bia, Slov­akia, and the UK and boasts impress­ive work­ing cred­its with many European broadcasters.

Dur­ing their ten­ure , the par­ti­cipants will work on the story ideas for their primary pro­ject. Guided by core tutors Nic­ola Lusuardi, Cyril Tysz, Luke Frank­lin, Ben Har­ris and vet­er­an showrun­ner Frank Sport­nitz, par­ti­cipants will devel­op their ori­gin­al TV series that will grow into a series pitch and pilot script by the end of the program.

The par­ti­cipants will also be work­ing on group pro­jects again. As in pre­vi­ous years, they learn to work with­in a team envir­on­ment and respond to a cre­at­ive brief from an industry part­ner. This year the assign­ment will be to devel­op a crime series pro­ject – inspired by our DETECt pro­ject – for tra­di­tion­al broad­cast. The par­ti­cipants will vis­it RTL in Cologne in April and pitch their series ideas to Head of Fic­tion Phil­ipp Stef­fens and his team.

We are very curi­ous to see what excit­ing series will come from this year’s group of storytellers. Inter­ested in the new writers? More inform­a­tion here.