Adri­an Banyard

Adri­an Banyard

Senior Development Producer (UK)

Sarah-Louise Hawkins

Sarah-Louise Hawkins

Writer (UK)

Sara Collins

Sara Collins

Novelist, Screenwriter, Broadcaster (UK)

Charles Har­ris­on

Charles Har­ris­on

International Scripted Format Producer (UK)

Jenny Robins

Jenny Robins

Head of TV and Film (UK)

Rich­ie Mehta

Rich­ie Mehta

Writer, Director (Canada)

Steve Mat­thews

Steve Mat­thews

Joint Head of Scripted, Creative (UK)

Nish Pan­chal

Nish Pan­chal

Agent (UK)

Jethro Thompson

Jethro Thompson

Agent, Screenwriter (UK)

Char­lene Putney

Char­lene Putney

Writer, expert

Mar­tin Pilchmair

Mar­tin Pilchmair

Entrepreneur, expert

John Vorhaus

John Vorhaus

Writer (USA)