Happy 10th Anniversary to Seri­al Eyes!

Our jour­ney as Europe’s first and premi­er post­gradu­ate edu­ca­tion pro­gram in seri­al storytelling
star­ted 10 years ago at the DFFB with a hand­ful of part­ners who wanted to change the way writers
are edu­cated in seri­al writ­ing! 10 eye-maz­ing years with top-class, renowned lec­tur­ers and almost
120 suc­cess­ful alumni who have put their screen­writ­ing skills to the next level – and have gone their
way in seri­al storytelling.

A lot has happened over the last 10 years. We have taken fur­ther steps to secure the program’s
suc­cess­ful future: we appoin­ted Kat­rin Merkel as Head of Stud­ies, are in the middle of secur­ing new
industry part­ners and have a new advis­ory board that helps to provide insti­tu­tion­al know­ledge and
assists in assur­ing the high stand­ard of qual­ity of Seri­al Eyes.

The board works closely with Kat­rin Merkel to stra­tegic­ally foster the growth of Seri­al Eyes and
con­sists of Jana Burbach (Seri­al Eyes Alumna 2014/15, Writer –Tribes of Europa, Break­ing Even),
Nath­alie Per­us (Gen­er­al Manager/​Atlantique Pro­duc­tions), Frank Spot­nitz (CEO/​Big Light
Pro­duc­tions, Writer and Pro­du­cer – The X Files, Leonardo), and Klaus Zim­mer­mann (Man­aging
Director/​Dynamic Tele­vi­sion, Pro­du­cer –Bor­gia, Drops of God).

Our mis­sion has remained the same for 10 years: Pre­pare the next gen­er­a­tion of European TV
writers to take the next step in their career as writers, teach them how to use the Writers’ Room
sys­tem and col­lab­or­ate to make each script the best pos­sible version.

Here’s to the next dec­ade of shap­ing the future of series writing!