So why apply? Seri­al Eyes cur­rent par­ti­cipants share their pro­gramme insights

So why apply? Seri­al Eyes cur­rent par­ti­cipants share their pro­gramme insights

Sub­mis­sions’ Dead­line Exten­ded to 30 April, 2020

Sub­mis­sions’ Dead­line Exten­ded to 30 April, 2020

Imme­di­ate Meas­ures to Stem Coronavir­us Spread

Imme­di­ate Meas­ures to Stem Coronavir­us Spread

Spe­cial Guest Speak­er Peter Morgan

Spe­cial Guest Speak­er Peter Morgan

Seri­al Eyes in Copenhagen

Seri­al Eyes in Copenhagen

DFFB Ses­sion with Michal Aviram – Work­ing on FAUDA

DFFB Ses­sion with Michal Aviram – Work­ing on FAUDA

Seri­al Eyes goes Podcast!

Seri­al Eyes goes Podcast!



DFFB Ses­sion: A Com­plete Guide to the Web Series Phe­nomen­on with Meredith Burkholder

DFFB Ses­sion: A Com­plete Guide to the Web Series Phe­nomen­on with Meredith Burkholder

Seri­al Eyes gradu­ate Den­nis Schanz real­ises his tele­vi­sion series idea SKY­LINES through Netflix

Seri­al Eyes gradu­ate Den­nis Schanz real­ises his tele­vi­sion series idea SKY­LINES through Netflix



It’s a Wrap! Final Pitch 2019

It’s a Wrap! Final Pitch 2019