Laugh­ing Out Loud: Com­edy Mas­ter­class with John Vorhaus – A Jour­ney Through Com­ic Storytelling!

Laugh­ing Out Loud: Com­edy Mas­ter­class with John Vorhaus – A Jour­ney Through Com­ic Storytelling!

WATCH IT! Recor­ded Epis­ode of our new online talk format

WATCH IT! Recor­ded Epis­ode of our new online talk format

Seri­al Eyes Wel­comes ZDF as New Industry Part­ner for Its 12th Season

Seri­al Eyes Wel­comes ZDF as New Industry Part­ner for Its 12th Season

Seri­al Eyes #12 Begins: A Year of Cre­ativ­ity and Col­lab­or­a­tion with Inter­na­tion­al Writers

Seri­al Eyes #12 Begins: A Year of Cre­ativ­ity and Col­lab­or­a­tion with Inter­na­tion­al Writers

Final Pitch Sea­son 11

Final Pitch Sea­son 11

Diverse Storytelling in Digit­al Short Form Series starts into the next Round

Diverse Storytelling in Digit­al Short Form Series starts into the next Round

Call for applic­a­tion: Diverse Storytelling in Digit­al Short Form Series

Call for applic­a­tion: Diverse Storytelling in Digit­al Short Form Series

SE Alum­nus Samuel Jef­fer­son brings pre­vi­ous work exper­i­ence to life in new series KRANK

SE Alum­nus Samuel Jef­fer­son brings pre­vi­ous work exper­i­ence to life in new series KRANK

Seri­al Eyes Alumni Dekel Nitzan recieves writers’ apprenticeship

Seri­al Eyes Alumni Dekel Nitzan recieves writers’ apprenticeship

Seri­al Eyes –       Kick-off Sea­son 11

Seri­al Eyes – Kick-off Sea­son 11

Final Pitch Sea­son 10!

Final Pitch Sea­son 10!

Happy 10th Anniversary to Seri­al Eyes!

Happy 10th Anniversary to Seri­al Eyes!