

The over 130 tal­en­ted Seri­al alumni are thriv­ing across the glob­al TV industry. These writers have suc­cess­fully moved into key roles, from showrun­ners to pro­du­cers and scriptwriters, con­trib­ut­ing to a wide range of high-pro­file series. By assem­bling each cohort with diverse voices and exper­i­ences, Seri­al Eyes con­tin­ues to nur­ture last­ing cre­at­ive rela­tion­ships, with many alumni main­tain­ing close pro­fes­sion­al col­lab­or­a­tions well bey­ond their time in the pro­gram. The Seri­al Eyes net­work con­tin­ues to expand, shap­ing the future of tele­vi­sion storytelling.